Sunday, August 06, 2006

2 weeks in France

If you are a Food and wine connoisseur, then France is the place to be. The spectacular landscapes of St Emillion ,wine appellations in Bordeaux, Chateaus of Loire valley , notorious Marseilles and it fish bouillabaisse, high tides of Normandy, Cornices of Nice, food and culture of Provence, Louvre’s Mona Lisa , Paris,……the list goes on!

We backpacked in France for 15 days. Our itinerary was Paris->Normandy ->Paris->Loire->Bordeaux->St Emillion ->Avignon -> Arles -> Marseilles -> Nice -> Paris.
In spite of all the premeditation, we would be at sixes and sevens, if not for lonely planet. We carried it around like it was our baby!

Here's the blog of some of the places we visited in no particular order
St Chapell , Notredame

Bordeaux and St Emillion.



St remy - Les Baux - Arles

Louvre Museum, Musee D’orsay, Champs-Elysées‘

Catacombes, Montmarte and Cruise on Seine

Loire valley

Nice Monoco Corniches


Just when Life seemed like a fairy tale, I was in London’s Luton airport, sleeping on the corridor, while trying to keep myself warm with a beach towel, waiting for the sun to come up. The next day, I flew out of Heathrow and V flew out Charles De Galle. We are back home in SF, living our mediocre lives.

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