Monday, April 13, 2009

Moral Obligations for Citizens

'America thinks of itself as a generous country, but is actually not', says Peter Singer. 'It is a wonderful myth'.  America is worst of all the industrial countries from the percentage of the income point of view. The countries that actually lead the way is Sweden and Norway


Peter Singer, Princeton university bioethicist appeared on Michael Krasny's Forum on NPR


He says

'Take the death of this small boy this morning, for example. The boy died of measles. We all know he could have been cured at the hospital. But the parents had no money and so the boy died a slow and painful death, not of measles but out of poverty'


People in developing and underdeveloped countries die of conditions that don't exist in the developed world. We have to make the people in the country real, put face on them.'


Go to  and find out how much percentage of your income should you donate to make a difference. While you are there, take a pledge!


Although hard cash is good, donations don't have to always be hard cash. Some of the everyday decisions and conscious choices have impact on state of affairs. Shop ethically i.e buying organic – maybe pricey – consider that your contribution towards protecting mother earth. More you support the organic movement the less negative impact on the environment. Buy in the local farmers market. Buy fair trade, where possible. Recycle and Reuse.


It's time we reconsider our consumption, our values and think about the people in need!


Anonymous said...

It is simply magnificent idea

Anonymous said...

It is very valuable phrase