Monday, August 17, 2009

Newsweek: We are all Hindus



The Newsweek article here  says that a recent poll showed that conceptually, atleast, Americans are slowly becoming like Hindus.


It says  A Hindu believes there are many paths to God. Jesus is one way, the Qur'an is another, yoga practice is a third. None is better than any other; all are equal ‘.  Hindu myself, I wonder why Hindus hate Muslims!? Well, I don’t believe the ‘many paths to god’ thing (I’m sure majority of the Hindus don’t either).   The way I have been thought to live my life as a Hindu is ‘It is Bhagwan Krishna…or  you are automatically en-route to Narak (hell)’


In my mind, the Americans are becoming like Hindus, NOT by believing that there are many paths to god or spirituality, but by having a common enemy ‘Muslims’


The day to day practices of a Hindu and the scripture is worlds apart!  Instead of saying ‘A Hindu believes’, the author should have said ‘Hindus are supposed to believe (but majority of them don’t)….”





Anonymous said...

I am a born Hindu and my parents never told me any thing crazy about Hindusim or Christianity BUT they did tell me the deeds the Pakistanis have done to us. It's not muslims that growing up that I "hate" BUT I sure hate the pakistanis who are causing havoc in my country.

Regarding the thoughts that Hindus worship cows, it is ridiculous to think that every hindu thinks that way. I have growing up, thrown stones. pulled it's tail and slapped it's hide If it's blocking traffic

kalki said...

I dont know what your parents taught you when you were a kid. Pray krishna or hell...
But what krishna told in Gita matters

Anonymous said...

Holy Cra*, you pulled me all the way from an interesting article to this Bull?

The one thing I hate about the net is so many intellectually starved around.